At Leonardo DRS, our goal is not solely to comply with the laws that affect our business, but to abide by the highest level of ethical conduct in our business affairs. We place the utmost importance upon our reputation for honesty, integrity and high standards.
Our core standards are set forth in the Leonardo DRS Code of Business Ethics and Conduct (“Code”) as well as various policies that reaffirm the importance of these standards. The Code and supporting policies should be viewed as the true expression of the Company’s philosophy and intent.
At Leonardo DRS, this philosophy starts at the top with our Board of Director and Chief Executive Officer and permeates every level of the Leonardo DRS organization. We also expect our suppliers, vendors, contractors and joint-venture partners to develop ethics and compliance programs consistent with our values.
We reinforce our ethics program with annual training, resources, and tools such as the Ethics Alertline, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The alertline is a confidential resource to report concerns, and investigate and resolve all matters promptly, discreetly, and professionally. We strictly prohibit retaliation against anyone who raises an ethics or compliance issue in good faith.
Our hard-earned reputation for the highest standards of business conduct is of the greatest importance to Leonardo DRS and its employees and vigilant compliance with these standards assures the continuance of Leonardo DRS’s reputation for integrity and fair dealing.
Ethics Alertline
The Leonardo DRS Ethics Alertline is a confidential resource you can use to let us know about situations where you believe the Company may not have lived up to its stated standards for ethical conduct, or where you believe an issue or concern you have previously reported is not being properly addressed.
The Ethics Alertline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
When you call the Ethics Alertline, a trained staff member will take detailed notes and send a confidential report to Leonardo DRS. These calls are not recorded. Leonardo DRS uses a third party who specializes in operating and maintaining confidential reporting systems. This helps assure callers of confidentiality and, when requested, anonymity.
+1 800 694 5005
Hours of Operation- 24/7/365
Direct Access lines: Callers to these lines will first dial their country’s Access Number to connect with the AT&T network. They will then dial the hotline number to connect toll-free with Global Compliance. Direct Access service may not be available from all locations within a country. Please note that the Access Numbers listed above are subject to change due to the dynamic nature of the telecommunications market in many countries. Callers should check for up-to-date Access Number information for their countries.
Mailing Address:
Business Ethics & Conduct Office
Leonardo DRS, Inc.
2345 Crystal Drive, Suite 1000
Arlington, VA 22202