Space Sensors and Payloads

Innovative and Affordable System Solutions

30+ years of space detector heritage and payload integration experience– from the material science behind our detectors to the development of digital and analog ROICs through fully integrated FPAs and module assemblies.


We know how to develop cameras that operate in tough environments. Our experience spans a variety of challenges to include radiation hardening, shock, vibe and temperature extremes.   A recent example of this capability was our application of these technologies to the development of a short-range space situational awareness camera.  Notable to this effort was the innovative use of a ground combat vehicle sensor adapted for the space environment.


We believe that the most affordable, timely and responsive payloads are developed by using a common component, modular approach.  Our deep understanding of detector and sensor performance, coupled with our modular approach, allows for a flexible, affordable and customized solution centered around a CONOPs-based, mission specific analysis.  An example of this process includes recent development of a staring approach to a typical scanning CONOP, which will enable capability beyond currently fielded scanning performance.


Leonardo DRS is a pioneer in the development and application of long-wave infrared (LWIR) Hyperspectral detectors, sensors and systems.  As such, we have a deep understanding of hyperspectral phenomenology and applications.  This legacy launched an innovative, spaced-based hyperspectral approach to those missions and CONOPS that can only succeed with this technology.


Felicia Campbell

Electro-Optical & Infrared Systems

+1 714 220 3897