Not a Sensor System, But a System for Any Sensor
Leonardo DRS’ Surveillance and Battlefield Reconnaissance Equipment – High Definition (SABRE-HD) system enhances full-spectrum reconnaissance and precision fires targeting capability by providing any sensor with world-class stabilization, elevation, and integrated network capabilities.
The system combines and optimizes different types of radar, day and thermal imagers, and laser systems with on-the-move capability and slew to cue between sensors, weapons, and platforms.
- Provision for multiple day/night, high-definition, electro-optic, laser, and RF/radar-based sensors with integral “slew-to cue” target hand-off functionality
- Includes ability to accommodate: Mid Wave Infrared, Long Wave Infrared, Short Wave Infrared, 3rd Generation Infrared; Laser Range Finder; Laser Pointer; Laser Designator; Doppler RADAR; Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) RADAR
- Highly stabilized, remotely operated sensor suite enabling system operation under armor and on the-move (OTM)
- Gimbal stabilization facilitates long range target acquisition through narrow fields of view, as well as laser target designation or laser pointer (if chosen) at extended ranges
- Elevated, mast-mounted (up to 10 meters) or roof-mounted sensor suite allows surveillance under full platform defilade
- Precise, jam-resistant GPS/INS navigation and far target location
- Modular sensor pod integration simplifies removal and re-attachment for both mounted and dismounted surveillance and targeting operations (up to 200 meters)
- High-resolution Operator’s Display provides an exceptional level of target acquisition D/R/I (Detection, Recognition, and Identification) performance
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