Power Comes from Within

The TITAN On-Board Vehicle Power (OBVP) system has been designed, tested, and delivered to address the military’s increasing need for more electrical power to support missions. OBVP also reduces the logistical complexity by significantly reducing or eliminating the need for towed or tunnel generator requirements.
TITAN (OBVP) vehicles can support a variety of military missions:
- Mobile Command Posts (MCP)
- Tactical Operation Centers (TOC)
- Combat Operations Center (COC)
- Company Tactical Command Post (TAC)
- OBVP can also be used to power a variety of emergency facilities such as field hospitals, triage units, fueling stations, or any other tactical unit requiring clean, reliable power.
OBVP-equipped vehicles greatly improve the operational adaptability of the advancing forces by providing mobile, expeditionary power when speed, range, agility, and flexibility are critical to mission success. Whether it’s providing power to a tactical security checkpoint in Afghanistan or emergency power to critical facilities such as medical care or fuel & food distribution centers in time of humanitarian need, TITAN On-Board Vehicle Power provides energy anywhere, anytime.
TITAN OBVP for Medium Tactical Vehicles (MTV)
Enable MTVs to Generate Mission Power
Leonardo DRS and Allison Transmission have partnered to offer TITAN On-Board Vehicle Power (OBVP) for Medium Tactical Vehicles (MTV). TITAN OBVP MTV utilizes a Transmission Integral Generator (TIG) with power producing capabilities ranging from 30 kW up to 125 kW for medium tactical and combat vehicles utilizing the 3000 series transmission.
The Leonardo DRS-Allison TITAN OBVP MTV System is a retrofit kit that has no effect on the drive train length. No additional belts, bearings or shafts are added. The TIG encompasses the same volume as the standard transmission. This is one of the most efficient ways to generate electrical power.
The TITAN OBVP MTV system offers Commanders immediate operational power capability On the Move (OTM) or At the Halt (ATH). OBVP MTV does not front-load the engine like less powerful alternator solutions do. The TIG is maintenance free, no PMCS required.
TITAN OBVP is a force multiplier that extends battlefield mobility and reduces logistical footprint.
System Characteristics
- Installs at depot level using standard tools and mounts
- Can be application configured, producing electric power from 30kW up to 125 kW
- Transmission Integral Generator (TIG) does not alter vehicle driveline length
- Operation does not require new Military Occupational Specialty (MOS)
- Diagnostics, system health, and performance reporting (J1939 CAN)
- TIG approach minimizes maintainability burden
- Power Generation with No Impact to Vehicle Drive-line Space claim
- TITAN OBVP MaxxPro Mobile Integrated Command Platform (MiCP)

Benefits & Highlights
- Transforms platform into electrical power plant
- Supports expeditionary forces with export power capability
- Reduces logistics footprint by displacing the need for towed generators during expeditionary or mobile operations
- Revolutionary transmission-integral generator (TIG) powered from the engine drive shaft
- No change in drive train length
- Power LRUs install in convenient locations
- Export power up to 125 kW
- Configurable power delivering both AC and DC On the Move (OTM) or At the Halt (ATH)
- Optional energy storage for silent watch capability
- No belts, bearings, or new shafts: no associated periodic maintenance
- No wet stacking
TITAN On-Board Vehicle Power (OBVP) for HMMWV
Dependable Power Where and When You Need It – Power Now, Power Anywhere!
Leonardo DRS’ TITAN On-Board Vehicle Power (OBVP) system is an enhanced capability upgrade to standard HMMWV platforms that enable the vehicle to become an expeditionary 30kW tactical power source; solving the “Operational Energy Gap” problem and creating a Critical Dual Use mission asset. It enables advancing Warfighters & Emergency Responders to have electrical power wherever and whenever they need it – freeing them from the tether of tow-behind generators.
A single Leonardo DRS’ TITAN OBVP equipped HMMWV can supply the power previously generated by two HMMWVs each towing a 15 kW generator.
System Characteristics
- Kit supports Modification Work Order (MWO) installation
- Not affected by belt or Alternator failure
- Operation is not Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) dependent
- Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) tested, and field-tested by Warfighters
- 30 kW of 208Vac in stationary mode
- 10 kW of 208Vac at engine idle
- Can operate with unbalanced loads
- Does not experience Wet Stacking like standard generators

Features & Benefits
- The Leonardo DRS TITAN OBVP system has been designed, tested, and delivered to address the military’s increasing need for more electrical power to support their respective missions.
- TITAN OBVP equipped vehicles greatly improve the operational adaptability of the advancing forces by providing mobile, expeditionary power when speed, range, agility, and flexibility are critical to mission.
- TITAN OBVP system does not impact vehicle performance. It offers 10 kW of Power at engine idle vs. Tac-Idle, and provides Three Phase or Single Phase AC power.
Reliable Electric Power On-Demand, Anywhere
Fully-integrated networking, communication, power generation and cyber-protected systems deliver the tactical advantage in the toughest environments.
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