Leonardo DRS in Australia


Leonardo DRS is a leading supplier of integrated products, services, and support to military forces, intelligence agencies, and prime contractors worldwide. Its core capabilities are in advanced sensing, force protection, network computing and electric power and propulsion.

The Hybrid Electric Drive Advantage
Today, the Royal Australian Navy is focused on building a more capable and lethal frigate to play a critical role in defending against evolving security challenges and the changing nature of warfare.

In Australia, Leonardo DRS’ range of advanced technologies are ready to:

  • Power the next generation of surface ships with our Hybrid Electric Drive systems
  • Connect the battlespace with our with our Link-22 and Tactical Data Link technologies
  • Defend mounted and dismounted forces from manned and unmanned aircraft with its mobile air defence systems
  • Ensure dismounted forces own the day and night with its battle-proven family of thermal weapon sights
  • Equip commanders and mounded forces with state-of-the-art situational awareness and battle management systems
  • Bridge the gap on the battlefield with the next-generation tactical bridging


Today’s complex battlefield requires unique technologies to give our armed forces distinct advantages. And when warfighters own the accuracy, they maintain the situational awareness they need on the battlefield from the safety of their vehicles.

With decades of infrared technology development and providing battle-proven reliable Electro-Optical and Infrared (EO/IR) systems to the U.S and allied military forces, Leonardo DRS is primed to continue delivering a new generation of intelligently-crafted thermal systems, giving the Warfighter every advantage.

As the threat environment continues to become more challenging and complex—due to rapidly changing technology and competition emerging from peer and near-peer adversaries—our goal is to provide warfighters with a unified network, a common operating environment, joint interoperability and command post mobility and survivability, so they have a trusted, reliable, and secure source of situational awareness when they need it most.

Our advanced naval power and propulsion capabilities provide the U.S. Navy and allied navies with next-generation power capabilities for current and future surface and submarine fleets.

On the battlefield, our forces rely on effective communication for mission success. Our tactical data links and joint tactical terminals provide seamless communication across platforms and domains, while pushing the limits of SWaP-C.

Maneuver-Short Range Air Defense (M-SHORAD) Inc 1 is an Air Defense Artillery capability which moves and maneuvers in direct support of Brigade Combat Teams (BCT) to destroy, neutralize or deter low altitude aerial threats, including Group 3 UAS, rotary wing and fixed wing aircraft.

With adversaries constantly challenging our dominance in cyberspace and the EMS spectrum, these operational environments become increasingly contested and complex. Having a reliable upper hand to assure and maintain access, use, fires, and maneuverability within the EMS and across all domains home and abroad—is more necessary than ever before.

From advanced infrared detectors for early warning detection to next-generation Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCL) for missile defeat, we help provide the best protection and awareness technologies available so our military can stay ahead of the threat.

Multi-domain operations and the pace of modern combat require a balance of offensive and defensive capabilities. Retaining existing overmatch includes enhancing platform survivability against increasingly lethal threats as well as protecting formations from Unmanned Aerial Systems.

Major Programs / Technologies

Hybrid Electric Drive

We provide solutions for integrated electric drive (IED) and hybrid electric drive (HED) ship propulsion systems. HED arrangements can be gear-mounted or shaft-mounted depending on the ship’s architecture.

Joint Assault Bridge (JAB)

The Joint Assault Bridge (JAB) provides Mobility Augmentation Companies supporting Armored Brigade Combat Teams with a survivable, deployable and sustainable heavy-assault-bridging capability.

TITAN On-Board Vehicle Power (OBVP)

TITAN On-Board Vehicle Power (OBVP) vehicles can support a variety of military missions: Mobile Command Posts (MCP), Tactical Operation Centers (TOC), Combat Operations Center (COC), Company Tactical Command Post (TAC), or may be used to power a variety of emergency facilities such as field hospitals, triage units, fueling stations, or any other component requiring clean, reliable power.

Mounted Family of Computer Systems (MFoCS) II

MFoCS II embodies the knowledge and experience gained through nearly 20 years of Mission Command and Battle Management Combat Experience with the U.S. Army Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2), Joint Battle Command-Platform (JBC-P), Blue force tracking (BFT), Movement Tracking System (MTS) Logistics, and UK Army Bowman programs.



Lucas McKennary

Vice President, Business Development
[email protected]
+61 402 268 434