Life Cycle Support for Naval Equipment

life cycle support in progress

Life Cycle Support Planning

Providing “Cradle to Grave” Support Services for any Defense Acquisition or Sustainment Program

Our Naval Equipment Life Cycle Support program’s approach is based upon systematic interactions of Engineering, Integrated Logistics Support, Depot, and Field Support services that ensure system mission readiness. We offer a turn-key solution for sustainment that achieves long-term business goals.

The goal of any Life Cycle Support package is cost-effective, life-long system sustainment achieved through:

  • Design of an easily and economically maintained and supported system
  • Preparation and management of accurate logistical data
  • Long term support solutions such as a DMSMS management program and Repair & Field Service programs.

All aspects of a support program are addressed with our Integrated Logistics Support products and services that reinforce mission readiness when the equipment or system is first deployed, updated through various tech refresh cycles, or decommissioned and prepared for sale through the Foreign Military Sales program.


Provisioning for Product Life Cycle Support

Supply Support and Provisioning are critical program support functions.

Leonardo DRS provides supply support and provisioning as part of our naval equipment lifecycle support program. Our logisticians develop several provisioning support products, including:

  • Technical Data Package (TDP)
  • System block diagrams
  • Family Trees
  • List of End Items
  • Engineering Data for Provisioning (EDFP)
  • Supplemental Data for Provisioning (SDFP)
  • Spares Forecasting/Installation and Check Out (INCO)/On-Board Repair Parts (OBRP)

Leonardo DRS has the training, software, and experience to determine provisioning technical data and related Logistics Management Information (LMI) required for Model Based Product Support (MBPS) systems, and can create the required file format for input into the Integrated Computer Aided Provisioning System (ICAPS) as required to support your program.


DMSMS & Obsolescence Management

Minimize Life Cycle Support Impact Due to DMSMS and Obsolescence

Leonardo DRS provides Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS) and Obsolescence Management to minimize program-supportability impact due to the discontinuation of critical items and raw materials. Items are identified and tracked by our DMSMS management team and data is shared with all program stakeholders.

Leonardo DRS participates with Integrated Product and Process Development working groups to share data and discuss impacts to the program. In support of your DMSMS management program, we work in conjunction with the Government team to implement a technology refresh program to mitigate obsolescence impacts.

In all cases we provide notification within 30 days if a process, component, or assembly required for delivery of a system is unavailable due to obsolescence or DMSMS issues. Our expertise in managing DMSMS and obsolescence provides the essential element that drives product updates critical to any long-term sustainment program.


Stephanie Meyett

Naval Electronics

+1 757 364 7501